-------------------our latest posts-------------------

Staying Humble and Grounded

Sounds easy enough doesn’t it? Where are my musicians at? This goes out to you guys, with your immense talent, ability and heat to turn your fans from solid to liquid with a guitar riff, vocals or a sick beat….

Is it Stealing or Taking What You Feel is “Rightfully” Yours?

I grew up in Podunk, Hickville USA and we have always utilized the saying “Don’t beat a dead dog”, and I’m sure that we all keep doing just that, by continuously posting on the topic of illegal downloading. However, all…

The Chemistry and Mathematics of Rock N’ Roll

If you’ve ever been in a band, saw the dynamic of a group from the producer’s eyes, or just loved music enough to pay attention, you’d know that there is a certain chemistry or make-up that a band has to…

This Week’s Top Five One Hit Wonders, Where Are They Now?

They are out there by the thousands, arguably more or less than one hit wonders. Artists who have had one song peak on the top 40 Billboard charts never (or rarely) to be heard from at that level of success…

Paying Homage to the Women of Music

So often we hear about “The Ladies of Country” or “The Ladies of Rock” etc. Why divide them into genres? Why not celebrate them collectively, and give thanks for the ways that they have shaped music as a whole, not…

How to PROPERLY Enjoy a Concert

Now, I know what you’re thinking. “When I go to a concert, I enjoy it. How I enjoy it is none of your damn business, and I’ll do whatever I want, whenever I want, however I want.” Fair enough. But…

Artist of the Week

Barnaby Saints. The name could be used for an explanation, exclamation, or the new catch phrase meaning “Fuckin’ Spectacular”. An awesome friend of mine introduced me to the addictive, alluring sounds of Barnaby Saints about a year ago now, and…

For the Love of Music

Writing is the love of my life, my reason for existing; Music is the physical culmination of the passion that I feel when pen hits paper. Even in this technological age, I still prefer the archaic practice of writing by…

Meet David Geftakys!

There is no shortage of great, pleasant surprises these days on social media. Twitter, Tumblr, Facebook (and I hear myspace is making a comeback), no matter the online venue, there is something in the entertainment industry for everyone. That excites…

My Review of “Bad Habits” By Ben Johnson

This is one kick ass album, let me begin by saying that. Although Mr. Johnson never disappoints (careful ladies, I wasn’t being a perv here, he’s happily married!), and I was never worried about this being the exception, I was…

So You Need Some New Tunes? Check it out!

Here we will give you a list of musicians, and links to give their songs a listen. Not to be confused with “Artist of the Week”, these are people who deserve a showcase, don’t get me wrong, but there are…

Artist of the Week

I’m always professing my love for technology, but combine it with my love of music and you have an infatuation that is sure to last, unconditionally. Today I give a huge shout-out of gratitude to TUMBLR! It is because of…

Actors to Musicians to Actors. Wash, Rinse, Repeat.

They’re out there by the hundreds, perhaps thousands and they fall into three categories. Those that are talented enough to do both. Those that should stick to one. And of course: Those that really shouldn’t do either. Regardless, we applaud…

“The Voice”

I’ve found that most people have very strong feelings about television programming of any kind, but especially where music is concerned. You need only speak to a few people regarding “The Voice“, “X Factor” or even “America’s Got Talent” before…

Artist of the Week

If you’ve been here before (and we thank you), then you know we have promised you suggestions for new music. As such, this is a new feature that you’ll be privy to weekly, where we showcase one artist or band,…